Traverse City Chiropractor : Dr. Kurt Froese
Simply put, there was not a bigger skeptic than me! I was taking some pre-medicine undergraduate classes to go into Sports Medicine when I was introduced to chiropractic by a very enthusiastic student. The end of that summer I was attending a personal growth seminar and the first person I met was a chiropractor, Dr. Gil Bohemier (I thought maybe the universe is telling me something).
Dr. Gil Bohemier inspired me to become a healing practitioner as he took the time to explain the philosophy, science and the art of chiropractic to me. Even as a child I had many questions about health. After experiencing and listening to Dr. Gil’s explanation on what health is and where it comes from, health and wellness started to make sense. What impressed and inspired me most was the profound impact he was having on peoples LIVES.

Dr. Kurt Froese
After completing the required undergraduate classes at the University of Manitoba in my hometown of Winnipeg, Canada, I chose Life College in Atlanta, Georgia to study chiropractic because of its emphasis on the original tenants of health and healing. Receiving my Doctorate in Chiropractic was everything I had hoped for and so much more. I knew chiropractors helped people but I had no idea the extent that the nerve system had on the health and quality of someone’s life – emotionally, mentally, chemically and spiritually – until I experienced it myself! (You can also read some of others experiences in the testimonials section.)
During my four years in Atlanta, I had the opportunity to discover some of health’s greatest secrets.
Some of my discoveries included:
- The Brain and Nerve System are the master controller of the body.
- The body is a self-regulating and self-healing organism when it is allowed to work the way it is designed.
- Life events and stresses (physical, mental/emotional and chemical) interfere with the proper functioning of the Nerve System. As chiropractors, we correct these interferences so the body can work the way it is supposed to!
- Our prevailing response to symptoms (body trying to tell us something) is to cover it up or cut it out without ever asking, “why is this happening?” or “where is this coming from?” Our body communicates to us and it does so in the form of symptoms. Aches and pains are not mistakes that need to be covered up – they are messages. We need to listen and learn.
Health (and healing) comes from the inside – what we see and feel on the outside (physically) is a reflection of what is happening on the inside (usually emotional, mental or chemical). Our health is our birthright and Lighthouse Chiropractic & Wellness Center is committed to correcting the fundamental underlying CAUSE rather than treating the symptom or effect.
We are very happy to say patients in our office range form the age of a few minutes old to 94 years old. Our office is focused on families with children making up about thirty to forty percent of our practice!
What I love most about what we do is that it allows us to live our life and raise our family with the understanding of our greatest commodity – our Health and Well-Being. It is not just a job, it is my passion, my mission and my life purpose – it is who I am.
Enough about me. How can we help you with our safe and natural chiropractic care? I hope I get the chance to meet you personally in the office to discuss your specific health and healing objectives. Let us help you take the first step towards a better quality of life.
~Dr. Kurt Froese